We hope that you, your loved ones and colleagues remain unharmed and healthy during this unprecedented crisis. We want to thank you for the continuing trust you put in Alcomex.
In our previous letter we informed you of all the measures that Alcomex has taken. With this communication we are giving you an update on where we stand today.
The Alcomex Management Board reviews the situation on a daily basis and takes action when required. Our primary focus has been, and will continue to be, to protect the health and safety of our employees and minimizing the risks of transmission of COVID-19, while at the same time keeping our operations running. We are happy to confirm that we have been able to secure regular service levels based on customer’s demand. All Alcomex teams continue to do their utmost to secure timely deliveries to all customers.
Today all our factories are open except our Indian operations, which will restart this week at a temporary reduced capacity. We have however organised ourselves such that we compensate this loss of production in other factories. Absence rates have returned to normal levels. Sales offices and back offices are operational in all countries.
Within Alcomex we see many nice examples on how our teams focus on serving you in the best possible way and on staying in touch with you. Hereunder some of the examples.
Universal suspension system for workspace separation
HZ Solutions developed this smart solution that helps to respect social distancing regulations in offices, shops, restaurants etc.
Supplying springs for respiratory equipment
Our factory in Brno, Czech Republic has been able to follow the surge in demand from the healthcare industry for springs used in respiratory equipment
Drawing contest for the children of our customers in the Netherlands
With schools closed in the Netherlands, the local team organized a drawing contest around Easter. The winners receive free tickets to an amusement park.
Best regards and stay healthy!
Your Alcomex Team