Technique of springs

Technique of springs

Springs are manufactured from special spring steel; dependant on the application, Alcomex can advise you on the most suitable material.
Most springs manufactured from wire, for both static and dynamic loads, are made from spring steel according to EN 10270-1-SH (DIN 17.223 C) or from stainless spring steel according to EN 10270-3-NS (DIN 17224 working material 1.4310).
For the calculations on this website we make use of these materials.

Compression springs and extension springs:trekveerverekening-eng-pdf

For the calculation of a compression spring a number of factors have to be known.
-The maximum load the spring has to exercise ( Fn ).
-The diameter of the spring is often restricted by design limitations. For spring calculation we use the mean coil diameter ( Dm ).
-The maximum deflection of the spring ( fn ).