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Tag Archive: 30 years

  1. A special edition of our Wired Magazine: 30 years Alcomex. Read it now!

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    Exceeding expectations, the foundation for the success of Alcomex.

    In the latest edition of our Wired Magazine, we proudly look back on our 30 year history. Alcomex excisis 30 years and a lot has happened.

    For us the aim is that, while we are looking back with pride to our 30-year company history, we do realize that the secret of our success should be the ongoing ambition to live up to customer expectations and, on each new day, try to even improve our performance. 30 years of growth is a great achievement, but it means nothing if tomorrow we disappoint one of our customers. For example, by late delivery, bad quality, non-competitive pricing, or a failing customer service.

    That is the reason why we have now taken the opportunity to reload the Alcomex brand, by renewing our company values, mission, vision, and culture. We would like to be known, now and in the future, as the company that always tries to exceed the expectations of customers, suppliers, employees, shareholders, and local communities. While considering the impact we have on the planet we all live on. That is quite a big ambition and a major challenge. But we do know that the secret of our success lies in working with happy customers and in life-long partnerships.

    “We would like to be known, now and in the future, as the company that always tries to exceed the expectations of customers, suppliers, employees, shareholders, and local communities. While considering the impact we have on the planet we all live on.”

    Alcomex going strong for 30 years

    So far, the growth of Alcomex Springs Group is above expectation. Who would have thought that we could supply door springs to the US-market? Now we do, in large quantities. We can do this thanks to a strategic decision we took 15 years ago, with the start of our presence in India. Alcomex is in a good position for further growth. This is based upon a rapidly growing e-commerce platform, significant investments in machinery and facilities, and the new people that have reinforced our international teams.

    Pyramide of succes

    Our strategy is strongly connected to the five ‘securities’ in our Pyramid of Success,  a business model that we apply consistently for a number of years now; product quality, reliability, the right price, flexibility, and innovative technical solutions. Each and every decision is taken by evaluating it against the background of these basic check points. This for us ensures that we always try to take a direction that is beneficial for our main stakeholder: the customer.


    Wired is our magazine through which we update our employees, customers, and other stakeholders with important developments within Alcomex Springs Group. We share stories and we open the dialogue for ideas and exchange of views.

    Take your time to scroll through the eight pages below and discover all you want to know about our mission, vision, core values, and listen to what our partners and customers have to say. And more…

  2. Alcomex Springs: 30 years anniversary

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    30 years of exceeding customers’ expectations is the secret of Alcomex’s success!

    We have something to celebrate! In 1992 Alcomex Springs was formally registered as a BV, which means that Alcomex exists 30 years and we celebrate this on September 2nd , 2022.

    In the past 30 years a lot has happened and we can reflect on some great moments:

    We are very proud, with a fantastic team of 350 employees, to be looking back at our 30 years of
    company history.

    “The Alcomex Family”

    We realize that the secret of our success must lie in trying to satisfy our customers’
    expectations and being even better tomorrow. 30 years of growth and happy customers and other
    stakeholders is a great achievement, but it means nothing if tomorrow we would disappoint our
    customers by late delivery, poor quality, uncompetitive prices or failing customer service. Therefore
    we will continue our journey in the future with exceeding the expectation of all our stakeholders.
    We are proud of reaching this milestone and would like to thank everyone, especially our employees, for their contribution.

    Kind regards,
    Management Board
    Alcomex Springs Group

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